Hire Land Use attorney to help Save The Waterfront
Donation protected
Update: October 27th - We have an estimated balance of $7077, as of October 8th. Two important projects with the attorney's have gotten us a long way toward a solution on both the Shredder and the Metal Pile. These numbers are to be transparent and help the community know how imperative it is that we continue to receive funds to utilize the relatively affordable, yet high quality, attorneys from Bricklin and Newman. With ABC Recycling submitting their application for a permit, we will need to fully fund this GoFundMe campaign, and probably in the end double it.
This is because our research volunteers can only do so much. When the intricacies of the permit process becomes a reality, the Land Use attorneys will be key to winning any mitigation or stoppage of the Metal Shredder.
Please donate today!
Wow, what generosity and passion for this issue! We had thought to pause the fundraiser, but after careful consideration, and an unknown outcome at the metal pile and metal shredder, we are taking the following actions:
1) Budgeting a majority of the current $5000 amount to the metal pile at the waterfront. Your funds if restricted to the shredder will go there.
2) Opening up donations to an amount that is not unreasonable in the end. (We are up against, city and county laws, and a multi national corporation. They just hired a local PR person) Please note in 'comments' if we should restrict funds to 'pile' or 'shredder', or leave blank if you trust us to direct funds as needed.
3) If we do not require all the funds in the end and they are to be distributed to a local charity, please also note in comments.
Please visit
www.savethewaterfront.org for updates and to sign the petition.
Dear Neighbor,
We believe we have found a solution to the issues caused by the metal scrap pile at the Port of Bellingham! The beginning of the solution is to enclose the piles and stop work at 7pm. This is required under BMC 20.37.420(F)(11) – “Recycling collection and processing center, subject to additional standards per BMC 20.16.020(L)(2)”.
To guide our conversations with the City and Port we are in need of knowing the law. We have hired a Land Use Law Firm, to guide us. Only a couple hours, that will confirm our path forward, will easily cost $2000, the retainer alone is $3000, and over the long term with the Waterfront and the risk of the Metal Shredder on Marine Drive, we will need more.
This expenditure will be worth every penny, if Bellingham is able to live free of scrap metal dust, noise at 3am, and mitigation of a new metal shredder. We should not let a foreign company come and deeply affect the quality of life of our residents.
This is where you come in. No one person should take on this financial responsibility.
Some can afford $5 and a few of you may feel passionate enough, helping our city, to donate a hundred or two or maybe even a thousand to move forward quickly. All is helpful, and greatly appreciated.
Because of so many generous donations, we are looking strong and are striving to be ready for whatever comes our way at the Shipping Terminal and the Metal Shredder on Marine Drive. We would hate for a multi-national corporation to bury us and win the day. Thank you for donating what you can, and sharing this fundraiser everywhere you can.
Share the link! www.gofundme.com/f/bellinghamsavethewaterfront . Lets all share the burden during this challenging time.
Save the Waterfront is organized by a passionate group of residents. Our promise is to spend your donations wisely, and entirely on the metal recycling project. We are donating significant funds ourselves, and entirely donating our time and resources.
We hope you trust us to spend the funds where needed. If you do want your donation to go to the 'shredder' or the 'pile', please let us know in the comments.
With gratitude,
Scott Jones
Scott Jones
Bellingham, WA