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Ben and Kristin's Family Starter

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Hello everybody!  If you are reading this you more than likely know me or my wife Kristin.  You will likely know that our dreams for starting a family have been on pause for awhile.  If you have ever met Kristin you would know one thing: she was born to be a mother.  As a teacher, her passion lies within nurturing our youth and family is second to none.    I've decided to start a Go Fund Me campaign in hopes that one day, we too can bask in the smell of poopy diapers and midnight cries!

If you aren't close to our story, here's the Cliffs Notes version.   Our journey began when we wed in March, 2015.  After months and months of trying to conceive naturally, we quickly began to realize there might be a problem.  We turned towards the doctors for medical advice and after recommendations, we then pursued infertility treatments.  Three years later this month, we still go to bed every night wondering why it hasn't happened yet.  Within the past three years, we have endured countless infertility treatments, both undergone the knife, and made significant financial and emotional sacrifices.  

The silver lining to this story is the fact that we know Kristin is able to carry a child!  Through our journey, we were blessed to experience two viable pregnancies.  Unfortunately, both were lost at 7 and 9 weeks respectively for unexplained reasons.  While some consider these losses a tragedy, we merely see it as a speed bump to the next greatest thing.  It gives us hope that the next little one can survive.

Our story shares many commonalities to those who have experienced infertility and perhaps still are.  For us, IVF is the only means by which we were able to conceive.   It is our next course of action but due to the expenses of the future and past, we are unable to carry through with it alone.  We have encountered so much support and love throughout the last 3 years and for that we are deeply grateful.  I have set a goal that merely covers a third of the cost for one IVF cycle, but any support will help us.  

Thank you and God bless.


  • Raquel Keenan
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Kristin & Ben Hastie
Richmond, KY

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