Ben Gallagher's IronMan for The PolG Foundation
Tax deductible
Frederik is 21, he’s terribly creative, funny, and above all an incredible human being.
Frederik was diagnosed with a PolG mitochondrial disease at 14 years old, and I’ve seen him fight fiercely against it ever since. Some of the daily challenges that Frederik must face include his ability to walk, eat and see.
On August 20, I’ll be participating in my first Iron Man. That is, I’ll be swimming 2.4 miles, cycling 112 miles, and running a full 26.2 mile marathon.
Please support me by donating to The PolG Foundation. The mission of The PolG Foundation is to support and accelerate research to find effective treatments and a cure for PolG mitochondrial disorders.
Check out @polgfoundation and please help us raise funds and awareness.
Any contribution takes us a step closer to cure #polg.

Jackson Hollins
Santa Clara, CA
The PolG Foundation Inc.