10k Run for Ben
Donation protected

Hi everyone,
As some of you will already know our good friend Ben O'Donoghue announced some devastating news the weekend.
It goes without saying our thoughts & prayers are with him and his Family, but our prayers only go so far!
That's the reason David and I have signed up for the Regents Park 10k run in honour of Ben.
Turning 40 the same as Ben last year and also having a teenage son a similar age to Kyran I cannot begin to imagine what him and his family are going through at this difficult time.
Everyone I have spoken to have echo the same sentiments; what a genuine guy Ben is, that he would do anything for anyone and doesn't have a bad bone in his body!
What better way than to repay some of the hardwork he has done for charity's during his runs, triathlons and marathon than to do this run in his honour!
Ben has shown nothing but strength & has been immensely positive since sharing the news with us all, something I think we are in all total admiration of, keep your chin up Ben, you aren't in this fight on your own buddy!
All monies raised will hopefully assist in building some amazing memories in the time Ben has left with his kids & hopefully support them in whatever they need going forward.
For me to dust off my running shoes and get my ar*e back to the Gym proves this means a lot to me & whatever the future holds for Ben he will have an army of friends by his side when needed.
If you can't run, then walk - if you can't do either then donate!
Please come and support those that are and show your support for Ben and his Family.
We will be looking to print some personalised shirts for the day (details to follow).
#Bens10k #BensArmy #BlessedCrew #SalmonLaneCrew
Fundraising team: Ben's Army (3)
Censina Azzopardi
Benjamin O’Donoghue
Carrie Deschamps
Team member
David Hennessey
Team member