Benefit for Jacee Layne
Donation protected
It’s time for me to share my story, life has been a roller coaster for me and my close family over the past 7 months. As many of you know I have been extremely sick, but fortunately for those of you who don’t this is my story. At the end of January and the start of February, I started running crazy high fevers for over a month. Went to doctor to doctor, hospital stays, etc they were trying to figure out what was going on. My health was steadily declining and many other problems started to occur. Still running crazy high fevers, sleep 18 hours a day, body aches, muscle spasms, lymph nodes extremely enlarged, etc. Having to go into the hospital several days back to back to get outpatient fluids. Went to see every doctor you can think of even the really scary ones. Spent over 3 Half months without them knowing exactly what is going on with me. By this point, I’m in a wheelchair and can’t walk. I started physical therapy 2 days a week and was doing pool therapy until I started having seizures. At the end of April and the beginning of May, my muscles spasm and tremors got out of control. I refused to be in the wheelchair any longer. I knew I wanted to be normal as possible and I couldn’t let the chair take my legs from me. I push myself every day to get up out the bed even if my pain is unbearable. I have good and bad days and I have had to learn how to celebrate the little small victories. In the beginning, I got to where I was only having seizures every couple of days but up until the past two months I’m having at least 3 on my good days every day and up to 7 on my bad. I have started having them in my sleep now. I have several autoimmune diseases which are POTS disease (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), FND (Functional neurological disorder), and CSID (Congenital sucrase-isomaltase ). I have to have assistance  at all times. I’m no longer able to drive, be alone at any point, work, go to school etc. I became homebound in February so I do all of my school online now. We have done lots and lots of research on everything I have. The POTS is something that I can deal with however I hope to not have to deal with FND much longer. It’s not easy. It has completely taken control over my body and life. My life has changed so dramatically in the past 7 months. At the beginning of July, we reached out to an FND program that has a 98% success rate of getting it in control if not completely gone. I am willing to take the 2 percent chance of me being the percent it doesn’t work on because if I don’t have to fight this anymore and have a chance to be a normal kid again, It’s beyond worth taking the chance. My life has been a crazy roller coaster but I have had some pretty amazing people by my side through it all. I am comfortable with showing some pieces of my journey however I haven’t gotten to the point where I’m ready for everyone to see my seizures. I hope everyone understands however I have a chance to be healed, to be healthy again! I got excepted into the program although it’s in Colorado and my insurance doesn’t cover any of the cost of the program. I will spend 6 weeks in this program at the beginning of October however I need y’all help to make it possible. Help us share my story and reach people who can help us make this possible. We will be doing a big fundraiser on August 27th in Saint Francisville details will be posted within the next few days, we are doing several things to raise the money to cover the medical expenses throughout this whole process. This is my story, my journey over the past 7 months.
Jacee Price
Saint Francisville, LA