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Benjamin Isaac Castañeda Funeral Costs

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Our family was robbed of our beloved Benjamin Isaac Castañeda Floran. A careless drunk driver was on the wrong side of the freeway and tragically crashed into our sweet boy, killing him. Isaac was an amazing young man full of life and joy.  He had big dreams and hopes of pursuing his mariachi career. If you think of him, I’m sure the first thing you think of is his smile. He had such an amazing heart, that even as he has been taken away from us, he is still giving. He is donating his organs, just as he had wanted to. He is leaving us and simultaneously saving multiple lives.  As our family mourns, we are organizing to celebrate the life of our beloved Benjamin Isaac Castañeda. We are attempting to secure and collect funds for his medical and funeral services. As soon as we secure a location and time for services, we will provide you details. If you wish to donate outside of this Go Fund Me account, you can provide a donation via ZELLE to [Telefonnummer bearbeitet] (will show under Jacob Francisco Castañeda) or donate here.

Benjamin is survived by his parents, his 3 little sisters and one due any day now that he will never get to meet. 

We thank you all for the support, love and prayers. Please remember Isaac as that young man that lit up the room and stage with his amazing voice and smile. We love you Benjamin Isaac Castañeda Floran!!!



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    • $20
    • 5 yrs


Jacob Castaneda
Fort Worth, TX

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