Benson-Clark Family Assistance
Donation protected
Danielle and I discovered we were unable to conceive a baby naturally in 2022, after 2 years of trying. Danielle had to have both of her fallopian tubes removed since she had an infection in one. Removing the other was a preventative measure for ovarian cancer, which Danielle’s mom passed away from in 2019. We have gone through one round of IVF treatment and successfully implanted two embryos, one of which stuck and grew into our baby girl Charlotte. We have one frozen embryo remaining.
All was well with Dani’s pregnancy until January 2, 2025. 20 week ultrasound revealed that Charlotte had Fetal Hydrops, a life-threatening condition to her and Dani. Charlotte had moderate fluid surrounding and shrinking her lungs while also expanding her tummy. Most common cause of fetal demise from Hydrops is heart failure. From there we became a high-risk pregnancy, receiving care at the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) clinic at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. Many genetic tests were done and all eventually came back normal over the course of the following months. We still do not know the cause of Charlotte’s Hydrops.
On January 30, Charlotte’s condition became severe. We were referred to Mount Sinai in Toronto to receive emergency in utero surgery to place shunts in Charlotte’s chest cavity to reduce the pressure and drain the excess fluid. After two surgeries and 10 days in Toronto we were sent home with two successful shunt placements in Charlotte.
Charlotte’s condition began to improve slowly over the next few appointments at MFM RAH. However, on February 20th Danielle’s water broke, 14 weeks prior to our due date at end of May. The premature water break was likely a result of the surgery in Toronto where Dani’s amniotic sac was poked through 3 times. But that surgery bought Charlotte more time to grow. Danielle was admitted to the RAH Antepartum unit. Most people go into labour within 48 hours of water breaking so our high-risk pregnancy became one of dire circumstance. We waited and hoped that Charlotte would not decide to come too soon.
3 weeks later in Antepartum and Danielle was still pregnant. Charlotte was thriving in Dani but on the outside Dani had started to develop mirror syndrome. Danielle was beginning to develop symptoms that mirrored Charlotte’s. Dani’s heart failing was the main concern as the painful swelling began to inch its way from Danielle’s toes to heart and lungs.
On March 15, exactly 30 weeks pregnant, Dani’s health began to deteriorate rapidly. She had early signs of infection and fluid in her lungs and starting to accumulate around her heart. Danielle was taken for an emergency c-section.
Charlotte was born March 15, 11:12 pm and weighing 2.5kg. I followed Charlotte into the operating room connected to the birthing OR. The incredibly talented RAH NICU team began resuscitation immediately. While they worked I was going back and forth between the ORs giving Dani updates and pictures while she’s being sewn back up. Danielle was taken to postpartum to start her recovery and I stayed with Charlotte. After many hours, Charlotte was stabilized. Good blood pressure, oxygen saturation in her blood, and strong pulse. I followed the NICU team down the hallways to the NICU and they continued their care. I left the NICU around 3am and went to postpartum to be with Danielle. We couldn’t sleep, we were so excited to finally be parents.
At around 6:45am I made my way to the NICU to get an update, send pics to Dani, and begin my first full day as a dad. A long-time dream come true. I was beaming as I entered the unit. A slew of people rushed past me to our “pod” where Charlotte was being cared for. They began chest compressions to restart Charlotte’s heart. Chest compressions are the last resort resuscitation efforts NICU could offer us at Charlotte’s age and size. We called down to postpartum to have Dani brought up immediately. They were able to get Charlotte back on the machines while Dani was coming up but Char’s condition did not improve. She was not getting enough oxygen/blood to her vital organs and her lungs just couldn’t function on their own. The doctor offered us another round of chest compressions when Danielle arrived. They began again and were unable to resuscitate Charlotte. She was just a very sick baby. Danielle kept her in as long as humanly possible.
Charlotte Cecily Benson-Clark passed away at 9:15am at RAH. The next chapter of our lives had just begun yet the ending was written for us. There is a permanent hole in our hearts now.
We are asking for financial support as we begin this long and difficult healing process. Danielle and I have both been on leave from work since our time in Toronto. There is no plan to return to work any time soon as we grieve the loss of our angel Charlotte. Instead of planning a baby shower we are planning a funeral.
I feel an immense amount of shame asking for financial support during these hard economic times. But I also feel backed into a corner. There are so many unknowns facing all of us, so any support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you everyone for all the love and support throughout this difficult journey.
Funeral arrangements will be posted on our social media once finalized.
With love,
Danielle, Geoff, Charlotte, and Arthur
If you would like to e-transfer, please send to [email redacted]
Geoffrey Clark
Edmonton, AB