Bentley Cade Lane
Donation protected
On May 1, 2019, Bentley Cade Lane was born 10 weeks early. He weighed 3 pounds 7 ounces. Shortly after birth, both of his lungs collapsed and a brain bleed was found. He was emergently intubated and will be in the NICU until mid- July on doctors guess.
He is a strong little fighter and absolutely beautiful. Improvements have been made in the past couple of weeks and our spirits can only get stronger. The name Bentley in Old English means “a clearing covered in bent grass”. Hopefully this boy will be a future greenkeeper.
He and his family appreciate the help from the Central Texas Golf Course Superintendent Association.
He is a strong little fighter and absolutely beautiful. Improvements have been made in the past couple of weeks and our spirits can only get stronger. The name Bentley in Old English means “a clearing covered in bent grass”. Hopefully this boy will be a future greenkeeper.
He and his family appreciate the help from the Central Texas Golf Course Superintendent Association.
Organizer and beneficiary
Carol Cloud
Fort Worth, TX
Barryn Cash Lane