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Be Strong David Perez

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David, age 37, husband and father of three children, is the main support for his family. On the evening of February 20, 2014 David started having chest pains and was rushed to the emergency room. Having already suffered from aortic dissection 11 years ago the family was scared of what was happening. Aortic dissection is the same disease John Ritter died from. Aortic dissection occurs in approximately 2 in 10,000 people and is typically found in males ages 60-70. Unfortunately, after running tests it was found he was suffering from aortic dissection again. He was flown from Florida to Georgia to one of only five hospitals on the east coast that could perform the surgery he needed. David is pictured here in the hospital in the days before his first surgery. This surgery is very risky and was performed March 3, 2014. The doctor had to cut open his chest and perform a 10 hour surgery. He made it through the surgery successfully but has a long road to recovery. Dave needs a second surgery which is scheduled for June 9, 2014. There are a great many medical expenses resulting from this. He lives near Tampa, FL and the doctor checkups and surgeries are only able to be done in Atlanta, GA. As he will now be out of work he needs help to pay for insurance, medication, and travel. The medical bills have already started coming in the first being for $12,000.00! David needs this second surgery to live and he needs to have insurance to have it. June will be the last month Dave is covered by insurance and he will have to start paying $500 a month for Cobra. No donation amount is to small. Please help support David to get the medical care he needs to live.


  • Amanda C.
    • $5
    • 7 yrs


Heather Caban
Spring Hill, FL

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