Beth Cox accident recovery fund
Hi everyone, my name is Eli, I'm an old friend of Beth's from University, and I'm working with her family on this Gofundme project.
On May 8, 2018 Beth was in a terrible scooter accident in Tamsui, Taiwan where she lives and teaches.
What happened is best delivered in her own words:
"I was driving (my scooter) on my way to work and a car cut in front of me; it came out of a small side street, and just didn’t stop when turning into the intersection, turned right in front of me, so I slammed on my brakes but he wasn’t slowing down fast enough so I swerved to the left to avoid hitting his car, but my front tire seized and I lost control of the scooter and then I was thrown, either spun out or flipped over the handlebars, and landed on the pavement.
The driver didn’t stop, he kept on driving. The police were unable to obtain any camera footage, there were none pointed at the place where the accident took place."
Beth has broken her right humerus bone, where it's a transverse fracture . She has severe nerve damage to her right shoulder, has minimal feeling in right arm, hand, fingers. She has a chipped right femur, damaged ligaments and a large hematoma under the right knee.
She is need of major surgery, further procedures and physiotherapy: The severe nerve damage to radial nerve needs exploratory surgery to see what needs repair. A plate must also be added to her right arm arm to hold the 2 parts of her bones together
Unfortunately, Beth cannot leave Taiwan in the immediate future. She is on contract with her job until June 29. Her doctor doesn't advise flying - she has a cast from her calf to her mid thigh, and needs to keep it straight. A 14 hour flight would compromise her healing time, not to mention the at risk of thrombosis (blood clots) from flying. Her arm needs to be repaired as soon as possible, as there is a risk the broken arm bones could damage the nerve and result in permanent damage.
She is also losing money from not working. Because she can’t walk and only has one usable arm, and was put on bed rest by the doctor, she is unable to work. She does gets 50% of her salary based on contractual sick days, but this results in roughly $1700 in lost wages every 4 weeks.
Her current costs are as follows:
-She needs to pay for a special taxi for wheelchairs to get to/from appointments ($50 per visit, approx)
-all totaled, she projects nearly $500 in taxi costs by the time all the visits occur
-the plate used to pin the bones together isn’t covered, and is up to $2000
-physio appts: $60 at first, and this will be required regularly for up to 5 months upon her return to Canada.
-until she's more mobile she also needs an in-home caretaker nurse, a cost which remains $100 per a day.
We are trying to ease the pain of this terrible event by raising $7000 to assist her with the above costs + recovery time needed to heal from this tragic accident.
Update: We are SO CLOSE! Just another $1200 to go, and then Beth's brother David Cox will withdraw the funds and send them to her.