Help Betsy Ann beat cancer!
Betsy is truly an AMAZING person as I'm sure you already know! Please support her and her family by funding this campaign and telling everyone you know to do the same. As you may or may not know, she was recently diagnosed with Trophoblastic Cancer.
Her journey started with a molar pregnancy which caused Betsy & Chris to lose their baby due to tumors. Doctors tried removing the tumors, but they returned worse and now the cancer has spread to her uterus. If not removed the cancer will eventually spread to her lungs, brain, kidneys, liver and other soft organs.
Betsy started her chemotherapy on January, 13 2014 and will need to continue it for a minimum of 8 months to a year.
Right now Betsy, Ira & Chris need your support. Please donate and share this campaign with everyone you know!