Betty Cracker Could Use Our Support!
Donation protected
Betty Cracker has been dealt a tough hand, as described in her Balloon Juice post on Monday:
The good news is I’m likely to live long enough to vote AGAINST Trump (and whichever horrifying toady he horks up as running mate) and to vote FOR Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, reproductive freedom for Florida women and recreational pot for adults.
The bad news is maybe not because I’ve recently been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. The median survival time for people with my diagnosis is less than two years.
As she went on to say in her post, Betty hopes to beat the odds, and as she told us behind the scenes:
Being sick in a country with a healthcare system as deeply dysfunctional as ours is goddamn expensive, even with (crappy) insurance, modest savings and a great family support system, assets I’m keenly aware many don’t have.
When we proposed a fundraiser, she emphasized that no one should feel obligated. But if you’ve appreciated Betty Cracker's content over the years and want to kick in to help offset lost wages, defray uncovered expenses, help fly The Eternal Student home for visits more often and what-not, all of us at Balloon Juice, and everyone who loves her, would be extremely grateful.
Organizer and beneficiary
John Cole
Bethany, WV
Betty Cracker