Beyond the Finish Line: Girls Gotta Run IDG 2024!
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Our Strides, Her Future
Girls Gotta Run Foundation invests in Ethiopian girls who empower themselves and their communities through running & education.
Join our Global Community of supporters in September and October for a Pop Up 5K - or non-running Meet Up - to raise funds and recognition for our Athletic Scholars!
Last year we raised $20,000 -- will you help us raise even more this year to keep up with 30% plus inflation in Ethiopia?
$25 provides menstrual pads for 2 Athletic Scholars for the year
$50 funds one month of Self-Defense classes to empower girls against abduction
$100 provides 100 hot lunches - cooked by our Mothers - for school days
$500 funds purchase of a year's school notebooks for 50 girls
$1,200 provides a girl and her family with a 1-Year Scholarship
Donate to a team or form your own (email the Organizer to become a team captain)!
Prizes for top participants including scarves, baskets, and coffee from Ethiopia!
Fundraising team (9)

Empowering Girls
Washington D.C., DC
Girls Gotta Run Foundation, Inc.
Aparna Suresh
Team member
Chelmsford High School Swimming
Team member

EthioPhilly Runs
Team member
Generals for Gender Equality Washington-Liberty High School Team
Team member