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As you know we are dedicated to bringing you important information, Guidance and resources that would help you bring your personal and family health to a higher level always. We also to the best of our ability try to be an Ensign to point the way towards our sustainable future. We work strongly to encourage you and those who have dedicated their lives to serving you in the great quest for wisdom and understanding of this thing we call life.
We as people, need to be more purposeful in what we eat how we eat and where we get it from. There are many of you who are active in growing urban Gardens which is a big step towards nourishing ourselves and living a more sustainable life. However there are many things that can happen with that especially in these political times. Like powerful developers taking over those plots to put up high-rises. Plus there are a lot of pollutants and carcinogens that are increasingly part of big city living that have a tendency to work their way into our neighborhoods. It is important that we begin to look towards Country land. " Let's get back to real farming and save ourselves and our children" There is an active organic development initiative generated by some of our project partners called the"Beyond Urban Gardening project” which takes people back to the land lets them participate and learn how to deal with sustainable organic agriculture and natural lifestyle. The project can use your help in promoting educating and encouraging people to develop their natural Consciousness and begin establishing more organic Non GMO Family farms. Hopefully many of you will get a chance to participate Live and direct by attending some of our plantings and or harvests. Getting back to the land is a necessary goal for our survival into the future.

Myself along with several natural teachers are
helping to build and support the organization called
Pinguioris Aterna Resources which means "The Fertile Land Eternally". Our mission is to Provide resources and training to interested people who are ready to make a transition into a more natural lifestyle. This is done through hands-on experiential immersion in a rural setting in which we raise food crops as well as culinary and medicinal herbs.

This project actually has been going on for five years In Greene County Alabama USA. There has been 15 individuals who have directly participated in the hands on development of the farm activities themselves. Our main focus agriculturally is in the growing of culinary and healing herbs. We have also planted an orchard consisting of pear trees apple trees, peach trees, nectarine trees, Fig trees, plum trees and blueberry bushes. We have also been able to produce some small crops of broccoli, garlic, jalapeno peppers, Bell peppers, tomatoes, yellow squashes, Zucchini, watermelon, sweet potatoes and Muscadine grapes. Of herbs we have grown peppermint, Spearmint, comfrey, moringa, blackBerries, sassafras, clover and lemon balm. We have also been providing outreach programs in different cities in the form of herbal walks, natural lifestyle classes, food preparation workshops and herbal health training. It has been a great experience so far and has deeply impacted the lives of those who have participated in a very positive way. We are looking to expand the programs that we do to include more people on an ongoing basis. And setup things so that people can come down and stay for several days or week intervals. To get their hands in the dirt so to speak and learn more systems of sustainability and hopefully be inspired to star transitioning out of the cities and all that concrete and hopefully begin to live a more healthful natural lifestyle supported by the peacefulness and nurturing of mother Earth.

So now we really need your help. We humbly request and ask if you see virtue in this project and recognize that the expansion of such activities in the lives of more people could benefit mankind in at least a small way. We would greatly appreciate your financial support in any goodwill you feel moved to share with us. No gift is too small or too great every drop counts.
One more request. If you believe in this strongly enough and consider it worthy, would you please recommend us
to others in your constituency who would perhaps feel inclined to contribute some of their love as well.
With your help we can effectively work with even more people to make the earth a better place for us all as in our small way, we partner for progress and sustainability
We thank you in advance for your generous gift of
$5 ___ $10 ___ $20 ___ $50 ___ $ 75 ___ $100 ___
$250 ___ $500 ___ $1000 __
Or any amount you care to share. Every bit is a help and we deeply appreciate all your efforts.
El Ha Gahn
El Ha Gahn
Lower Merion Township, PA