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Bhante's Annual Incubator Project

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Bhante Sujatha's Annual Incubator Project and Pregnant Mother’s Meditation Retreat 
After many years working with pregnant mothers I recognize during their pregnancy season many emotions come to the surface. Last summer we did the first Pregnant mothers retreat with over 300 mothers present.  After that beautiful experience I made a determination to expand my work toward mothers and make this part of my annual project. Now every year I do a meditation retreat with them. We teach them how to meditate with their baby while baby is still in the womb and how to practice loving kindness towards themselves, the new baby, their family and the world.  In addition to the blessings and practice time, we donate a $25 care package for each mother with many of the things needed for delivery time. I am thanking to all my friends who support my work and I ask you to support me again this year. You can see last year’s work by clicking the link below

"A baby fills my heart with the purest joy I’ve ever felt.  When I hold a new baby I can’t help but feel my mother’s deep love for me, the same love of all the mothers. Because I am a monk, I have not had my own child so instead I have made all the children of the world my children.  When I think of a baby coming into this world without a mother’s love, it breaks my heart.  The womb of a mother is the most holy place on earth.  I was traveling in Sri Lanka and was in a hospital with a baby incubator and I realized that an incubator is just like a mother’s womb and through this miraculous technology babies could be nurtured and safe and loved and not be deprived just because their biological mother was not able to care for them in this way.  Soon after, I realized how many babies were dying because of how rare an incubator is in this needy country.   So many lives could be saved with this incredible tool and so much love could be added to the world.  Just pause a moment and consider how many lives just one incubator will save….  and then multiple that by how much love each of those babies will bring to the world.  For me, when I think of it this way, I must help because it fulfills my ultimate mission perfectly:  Adding more love to the world.  Each summer I travel to Sri Lanka to participate in humanitarian efforts leading to my goal.  I have created the Incubator Project 10 years ago and we have now delivered 10 incubators to maternity wards at hospitals that have never had equipment like this.  All donations go directly to the incubator’s cost and your generosity will ensure that these babies feel a mother’s love just like if they were in the womb.  Please help add more love to the world by helping in any way you can.  How wonderful!

Thank you for helping, may you receive all the blessings as we join together to do this good work. 

May you be well happy and peaceful!
Bhante Sujatha


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    • $1,000
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Venerable Bhante Sujatha
Crystal Lake, IL

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