Mark has always been the fun outgoing guy and has always worked hard for his family. He is always laughing and smiling and he loves being around his family very much. This includes his wife, Jacque, their three daughters , Heather Hammons Larsen (Jake Larsen), Megan Hammons O'Neil (Matt O'Neil) and Shari Christofferson (Jason Hoffert), his grandchildren Chancelor, Jack, Knox, Ruby and Violet, his parents John and Judy Tompkins, his in laws Jack and Janet Simon, his brothers and sisters (as well as brother and sister in laws), his nieces and nephews and his group of close friends (they have always been more family to him then friends and they are very tight knit.) There is not a person he cannot make conversation with and this is how he has always been. About three months ago he started having pain in his belly. He went to the dr. and he was told that he had pancreatitis and that they could see a lesion on the pancreas but could not tell what it was due to all of the inflammation he had. Two months went by and he went in to have a procedure done so they could see what the lesion was. They first tried to do the procedure with him not being fully asleep and had to stop the procedure because his tongue collapsed in his airway and they said it would be too dangerous to continue. So, they rescheduled the procedure for October 3 2016. The procedure was able to be completed, but when the dr. came in he stated that the mass looked to be cancerous and he would send it off to pathology to have it tested. October 4th, it was confirmed. Mark Tompkins, 51, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This is the second round of cancer for the family, as his wife Jacque is just recently in remission from stage three colon cancer (diagnosed in 2013 : cancer free December of 2015)and it is weighing heavily on the family. We are trying to raise money for bills the family will incur throughout Mark's treatment and his time away from work. The clinical staging for the tumor is T3N1, but is still considered resectible. Please help Mark and his family as they endure this very difficult journey. "No one fights alone. Taking care of business the Big Guy way."