Big Hero 3 Campaign
Welcome to our campaign The Big Hero 3.
My name is Tilly Lockey and I am an ambassador for Open Bionics. I got the amazing opportunity to speak on a panel with the Dalai Lama and I asked him a question. I asked him what we could be doing to be using our technology for the good?
You can see in the video the moment he offered his advice.
So until we can get The Hero Arm to more poverty-stricken countries, we knew we had to start doing something with his advice and help people who would not otherwise be able to afford their Hero Arms. So we appealed to charitable trusts/businesses/philanthropists if they would come on board to help us support three families in affording their Hero Arms.
We have had fantastic support from The LimbBo Foundation and Reach to find our families who need our help. Please meet those families by clicking on the video above.
Each child will be granted £8k worth of funding through the generous combined charitable trusts/businesses/philanthropists only when they have crowdfunded the shortfall together….with our support!
So our Big Hero 3: Alexia, Joshua and Thalia are fundraising together to hit that target. We hope that the beautiful power of joint crowdfunding and teamwork will help them achieve their target faster and be more fun than doing it alone!
The Hero Arm truly has changed my life for the better, and all I have ever wanted is to help change other people’s lives the same way and to help get their Hero Arms too!
I am really hoping that if this way of crowdfunding is successful, maybe with the continued support of charities, we can roll this opportunity out again to change another three children’s lives.
The Aim: - To buy 3 Platinum Package Hero Arms for three children in need. We have to raise £40k
Three families run an Open Bionics supported Crowdfunding Campaign together to raise £16k.
Open Bionics Foundation to give each child £5k toward their Hero Arm
The Worshipful Company of the Glovers to provide each child £3k towards their Hero Arm.
If you can please show your support and share this campaign with everyone you know, we would really appreciate it!
Supported by: -
All money for this campaign is being raised through The Open Bionics Foundation and will be split equally between the three children participating to receive Hero Arms. Any extra funding raised over the target will go towards extra HeroCare and Hero Arm accessories for the three participants.
If this campaign is successful, we would love to help another three children. If you are a charitable trust/business/philanthropist who would like to be part of funding the next campaign, please contact Sarah through this campaign.
The Open Bionics Foundation provides financial support to socioeconomically deprived people with limb differences who need multi-grip upper limb prosthetics.
Co-organizers (5)
Crowdfunding Support
The Open Bionics Foundation
Kerrie Coultas
Team member
angela cuffe
Team member
Craig Sanders
Team member
Craig Robinson
Team member