Big Mac Needs Immediate Medical Care
Tax deductible
Hello, I’m the foster for our sweet boy, Big Mac. I adore him and the time we’ve spent together.

Right now, we are currently sitting in the ER waiting to see a doctor. I know this is going to be an extremely expensive visit.
About a week ago, Big Mac began throwing up blood. We’ve tried our best to manage his nausea and keep an eye on his condition. This morning, Big Mac woke up completely jaundice- glowing yellow from head to toe.
CatNap From The Heart authorized that we bring Big Mac to the closest ER vet, but this is going to be a big hit on our already limited rescue funds.
Please help us cover this medical bill and get Big Mac the help he needs ❤️ Donations received go directly to CatNap From The Heart, a non-profit organization.
UPDATE: Big Mac had a feeding tube surgically placed in his neck. His total ER visit was over $2,000. Please help us pay his hospital bill

April Moore
Melrose Park, IL
Catnap From The Heart