Haldimand Bird Observatory Big Year Fundraiser
I am a twenty-one-year-old birder from Hamilton, Ontario. In 2022, I am doing an all out Ontario 'big year'. A big year is where one tries to see/hear as many species of birds as possible in one geographical area in a single calendar year. 2022 will take me all across the province, from its eastern reaches, to Rainy River in the northwest, to the Hudson Bay coast, and down to Point Pelee, the southernmost tip of mainland Canada…and everywhere in between. You can follow my big year and my other birding adventures on my blog here! That being said, I am aware of the environmental impact this endeavour will have, so I wanted to use this opportunity to raise money for the Haldimand Bird Observatory (HBO).
Since the age of eight, I have been visiting, and later volunteering at, Haldimand Bird Observatory’s bird banding station at Ruthven Park. At Ruthven and HBO's other banding station at Rock Point Provincial Park, fine mesh mist nets are to capture birds, after which experienced bird banders carefully remove each bird from the nets; put numbered, lightweight aluminum bands around the bird's leg; and, after recording data about the bird, release it. This helps track the health and migration patterns of various bird species, information that is crucial when it comes to environmental conservation.
From Ruthven's site: "The banding information we gather is sent to the Canadian Wildlife Service and then passed on to the Bird Banding Lab in Maryland where it is tabulated and entered into a continent-wide network that tracks the movement of individuals/species. Recording this information over time allows trends to be determined and can help us decide whether certain populations are declining, expanding, or stable. This data can also aide in landuse planning, stewardship projects, determining ecosystem health, and the implementation of rehabilitation measures for species that are being lost or are at risk. With the loss of bird habitat through urban sprawl and cutting of forests, we know that birds are facing critical threats. Furthermore, birds can tell us more about our environment and the effects of climate change."
It is with no exaggeration that I say that, without the HBO, I would not be the birder or nature enthusiast I am today. Rick, Nancy, and the rest of the team fostered my love for and knowledge of birds and ornithological science in a special way. Besides this, I made so many friends through Ruthven, and the community experiences I had, and will continue to have, there are just as meaningful as my nature-related experiences there. The banders and volunteers at Ruthven and Rock Point nurture an atmosphere that is infinitely welcoming and is very conducive to the education of people of all ages, but especially young people. It is my opinion that raising the next generation to have an affinity for nature is the most effective way to brighten the gloomy future of our planet. 100% of the proceeds will go to HBO. I would hugely appreciate any donation whatsoever to this great cause!