Bill Wahl Medical Fund
For nearly 30 years, as the co-owner of the Comix Connection, retailer Bill Wahl has brought joy to comic book and gaming fans, and has supported a number of industry professionals such as Mike Hawthorne, Brian Keene, Tim Truman, Joe R. Lansdale, Mary SanGiovanni, and J.F. Gonzalez.
Now, it is time for this community to return the favor.
Bill, an uninsured single father of two, suffered complete renal failure last year and underwent several procedures on both kidneys, including a nephrostomy, a stent, and two separate lithotripsies. Bill has spent the last 9 months with no follow up visits because he can't afford them. He continues to sporadically pass blood and other detritus. He has been paying the urologist, anesthetist, and other charges as best he can -- but it is impossible to keep up.
Comic book creators often go without health insurance for ourselves, but we forget that the retailers who champion our work and put it in the hands of readers are often in the same predicament.
Organizer and beneficiary