Bill Stephens Medical Relief Fund
Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to visit this page. Someone very special to me is in a terrible situation and I fall upon your mercy to help him in anyway your heart moves you to do. Bill is too humble to ask for helping hand so I'm asking on his behalf. I know he will accept any kindness offered to him.
Bill Stephens is one of the most wonderful men God ever created. A parent, a brother, a friend, a co-worker, a photojournalist, network news supervisor, community leader, business owner, keeper of secrets, role model, hero, comic relief, and everything that represents good in the world - that's just a few of the blessings Bill can be described as to so many of us.
To me, Bill is the older brother I always wanted and never knew I couldn't live without. I'm a better person today because of Bill Stephens. The thought of ever losing him cuts deeper than anyone will ever know. I can't imagine what our world would be like without him in it. Yet, my love for him alone can't assist him now. That's why I pray you might be able to help him in his current, heartbreaking situation.
Sadly, Bill is in a fight for his very life. Bill was diagnosed with bladder cancer in May 2014 and has gone through two operations to help rid his body of as much of the cancer as possible. It has returned. His day-to-day existence is questionable at times because of a progression of medical tragedies.
Things started declining financially for Bill when he had a massive heart attack the previous year in July 2013. Medical bills from a quintuple bypass surgery still arrive through Bill's posted mail accompanied by the occasional threatening or harassing phone calls of uncaring bill collectors. Bill is in serious debt due to his extensive medical costs that are nearing $300,000.
Point blank, Bill is broke and nearly destitute. He can no longer afford basic chemotherapy treatments or medications to prolong his life let alone daily living expenses for utilities, mortgage, basic necessities, etc. He's in jeopardy of losing the beautiful home he built many years ago; the very home where he started a loving family; a home filled to overflowing with years of memories.
If cancer or serious medical illness, financial disaster or even possible homelessness has ever reached out its ugly hand to you or someone you know and love, you can probably identify with Bill's unique situation. Now is your opportunity to help a good person who is in real need.
Whether you personally know Bill or are someone that can relate to his situation or even if you're just a stranger that's curiously happened upon this page, please find it in your heart to offer a financial donation in any amount possible today.
Other things you can do in addition to a financial gift is stop by and visit Bill if you're in the area, a phone call or even sharing a meal with him are just some of the many ways you can ease some of his burden. Rest assured, 100% of your donation goes to Bill's general relief fund.
However you can manage to bless Bill Stephens will be appreciated and I'm sure it will brighten your day also. Please share this page with everyone you know. THANK YOU for changing a life today. You're generosity and care make you and amazing person! You kindness will never be forgotten.
“It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”
- Mother Teresa