Billy Goes to Kenya!
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Last I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Ethiopia with the Limb Kind organization to help make prosthetics for children and young adults suffering from limb difference. We made more than 40 prosthetics for more than 40 people just under 5 days and changes countless lives for the better. The trip changed my life.
This year, I've been invited to join the team as they travel to Kenya to continue this amazing effort. So for my birthday month, I'm asking my community to help me as I raise money for their trip to Kenya in March. We plan to exceed Ethiopia's effort with more than 50 limbs on standby. As you can imagine, this is no small feat and will require maximum effort from all of us. That said, I'm asking everyone I know to give what you can to help. 100% of these funds will go to the trip.
Thank you in advance for your gift to this amazing project!
Billy D.
William Davis
New York, NY
Limb Kind Foundation Inc