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Birgit's Cancer Battle

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Dear Friends,

About 18 months ago my sweet mom, Birgit Buchanan, was diagnosed with metastatic stage 4 lung cancer that was taking over her right lower lung, several lymph nodes in the area, and her bronchus. It came as a complete shock, as she was seemingly healthy. Needless to say, actions were quickly taken to get her the medical care needed to battle her disease. The doctors gave her a grim prognosis: even if treatment was effective, she only had 4-6 months to live.

My mom is no quitter and never goes without a strong fight. My parents sought a second opinion at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) in Atlanta, Georgia. The team of doctors at CTCA had a much more positive outlook for my mom, but it required quick and aggressive treatments. Treatments began immediately and required many trips from their home in Pensacola, Florida, to Atlanta.

In January 2015, doctors performed surgery to remove the tumor mass and the lower lobe of my mom’s right lung. Following surgery, she endured several months of chemotherapy at CTCA. Doctors remained pleased with her recovery from surgery and hopeful that chemo would remove any remaining traces of disease. 

However, in August 2015, when she went back to CTCA for a follow-up, tests revealed four lymph nodes in the lung were still active, and the MRI revealed metastasis to the brain, with three lesions.  Immediately, she began radiation treatment to the brain.  A follow-up in November, to determine the effectiveness of the treatment, revealed one of the lymph nodes and one of the brain lesions had grown.  Doctors placed her on an toxic oral daily medication, with effects much like chemo, called Afatinib (Gilotrif).  Gilotrif is an incredibly expensive medication, costing around $12,000 per monthly bottle.  Her doctors have high hopes for this medication and its action on her cancer.  They have a positive outlook and want to remain aggressive in her treatment until they have successfully won this battle for her life.

Today, I am asking for your help. God has blessed my family abundantly with His provisions, but He has also allowed us to be humble and ask for help from others when needed. The surgery, and subsequent treatments, prevented my mom from working a regular schedule; this resulted in a tremendous loss of income. While she has been able to return to work, the high costs of treatments, extended out-of-town travel expenses and hospital bills continue to consume my parent's finances.

I am asking for your financial help. If you are able to make a donation of any amount - large or small – we would be so grateful! I have hopes of not only meeting our set goal, but exceeding it. If you are unable to help financially, I ask that you continue pray for my mother, and my family.

Let’s show my mother how much she is loved and supported! Please spread the word about this fund!

She is a fighter. Let us help her fight!


  • Anonym
    • $150
    • 9 yrs


Megan Crain
Pensacola, FL

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