Birria Boss Food Truck!
As you all know, I've been selling Birria Tacos from home for over a year now! The feedback I get on my food is OVERWHELMING and has been such a blessing! I've always been passionate about food, and the way you guys rave about it has me in the clouds!! My goal is to get a food truck and start providing these tacos you all love so much and much MORE to you everyday! I have a PERFECT food truck in my sights, but unfortunately am a tad short on being able to buy it outright. I'm making this go-fund-me to hopefully be able to at least shorten the gap to get the Birria Bus up and moving! If you can't afford to make a donation that is ENTIRELY okay! You buying tacos is more than enough and I appreciate ANY and ALL support ever so dearly!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I appreciate you all so much!
Sincerely and respectfully,
The Birria Boss.