Kiteboarding for Mental Health, Circumnavigate Oz
My name is Nik Shepheard I’m a 49year old
father of 3 from Melbourne.
Over the past 8 years I’ve been tirelessly
working towards circumnavigating mainland Australia by kiteboard. My intention is to
raise awareness to depression and suicide and raise funds for my charity “Kiteboard for Life Australia and forward these funds to its
beneficiary “beyondblue”.
During this 7 year period I’ve been busy public speaking, talking about my own journey
dealing with depression and a near suicide
attempt and also working on our support boat.
I speak openly and honestly with attention to compassion and patience. I continually open
up my private life and soul when public
speaking so it may help someone else.
I talk about seeking help, managing
depression, provide resources and the science of depression.
I believe I have the potential to SAVE THE
As the circumnavigation draws closer we are
seeking financial support to assist.
Over that 7 year period I’ve helped
individuals, community groups,
sporting clubs, families and work colleagues,
so I’m ready to lend an ear or a shoulder to
anyone that may need it. I’m a passionate
humanitarian who cares about society and
wants to be integral in reducing the ever
growing suicide rate in Australia. If you’ve
ever been affected by depression or suicide
then this may be your way of making a
difference to someone else by supporting this
cause financially.
Look at it this way....It may be the difference
between helping someone, saving and or
changing their life and you can be be part of
this amazing journey.
Some your donated funds will help Nik’s personal living costs as he will not be employed for up to 18 months.
45% of Australians at some point in their
lifetime will be affected by depression or
other mental health conditions.
The unfortunate thing is it could be you or
someone you love and care about.
Please help us
More information visit
facebook @kiteboardforlifeaustralia
our video, a must watch