Black Burner Project: Diversity & Photography
Black Burner Project has been documenting people of color at Burning Man through photography and personal interviews since 2018.
This Campagin supports the artist and creator of Black Burner Project. Her continued efforts to create awareness, drive diversity, and actions towards creating a safe space for POC to be at Burning Man.
Erin has pursued this goal of the past 5.5 years with new and exciting projects to support. If you would prefer to directly support the art piece please visit https://igg.me/at/BeholdFTD2022.
The Back Story:
Hello, My name is Erin. I am a photographer and 3rd year burner. 2020 was to be my 4th year. See I was gifted a ticket to burning man, otherwise I am not sure if I would have ever gone. That gift has been a gift that keeps on giving. Burning Man is unique, and oh so overwhelming- at least for me it was. I was open to going, but I was nervous to say the least. I've always been a traveler, a solo travel and open to adventure but Burning Man- was different. One thing that stood out was how hard it was to find anyone who looked like me to ask questions and get advice. Mainly to just tell me I would be okay. And when I finally found someone, and thats exactly what I said, there was a new level of comfort in my decision to go.
The essence and importance of seeing yourself in a space that feels unfamiliar and unwelcoming is exponential. I understood more than ever why representation matter and what the negative impact the lack there of caused.
This is exactly what I experienced when I started posting photos of my own. An influx of messages and comments all stating the same thing. So many people of color had been intrigued by the idea of Burning Man, but because they never saw another person of color they assumed it wasn't for them. For the first time they had access to someone, which was me, they could reach out to directly about this place they'd wondered about for so long. Not seeing themselves represented is what ultimately held many of them back from exploring this event. I mean, the impact of posting a few photos was huge. Thats when I knew I needed to go back and photograph as many people of color as I could. All I wanted was to show evidence that we are there, and that its a place for everyone. That there are beautiful and dynamic yet every day people of color doing out of the box things with beautiful stories to tell. We are all welcomed there.
The project has been a blessing and I am humbled by the people it has touched and helped. I am honored to be able to document a culture within a culture. I know how much Burning Man has done for me and I'd never want anyone to miss out on this unique experience simply because we aren't seen as part of the community. We do exist and I'm here to show it. I excited to continue doing this work.
Additional project goals:
- A major goal of mine is to find ways to help First time burners of color get to Burning Man through a carefully selected process. I am working on figuring out how to do this and will update what that may look like when confirmed plans come into place.
- To Provide an informative platform for Burners of color and build a community.
- To be an encouraging factor in the increase of diversity at Burning Man every year.
- To create and build an art installation at Burning Man
Visit : Check out the work
Website: www.blackburnerproject.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blackburnerproject/
Thank You!
BlackBurnerProject Founder