Black Plant Chick Pop-Up Plant Shop
My journey as a Plant Parent started when I realized that plants thrive when they are not used as props. My brand grew almost overnight. Now, as a podcaster, plant care consultant, and educator, my calling has led me to create a mobile plant pop-up shop. After a very inspiring conversation with an incredible black farmer, I knew I had to follow my heart. Being able to help people heal through plants is something that God has called me to do. I'm excited to share my new business and joinery with the world, and through intentional manifestation, I will be official this summer. I can't wait to introduce to you The Black Plant Chick Pop-Up Plant Shop.
My mission is to educate my community through teaching about plant care and plant therapy. This will begin as a plant pop-up. We will sell plants and accessories while inviting the community to join us in free workshops. We plan to take a personal approach to our plant sales. Much retail focuses on the plant more than the client. My goal is to give both equal amounts of attention.
Currently, the company is operated by myself but we plan. To expand as the business grows. I'm raising money because, as a black woman, I finally learned that it's okay to ask for help. My business is needed in the community. Plants are an important part of our lives. We believe that it's time for us to reclaim not only the land but our position in this space.