Tricia's Cancer Journey
Tricia is a 37 year old wife, mom of two young boys, 1st grade teacher and health and fitness enthusiast which led her to also becoming a fitness coach.
Tricia was diagnosed in July of 2016 with stage IV, triple negative breast cancer (small cell cancer of the breast to be specific). Her life and that of our family has been turned upside down ever since. However, our faith and trust in God has been our harbor amidst the storm. God is sustaining us through our journey and battle against cancer!
The original cyst was only 0.8 cm in the right breast. There were no signs or symptoms causing concern. Her doctor ordered a mammogram and ultrasound. The mammogram showed nothing. It was only the ultrasound that showed the irregularity. A biopsy was performed and it came back as cancer. Upon hearing the news, we went to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Chicago, IL. After a series of tests and scans, it was found to be throughout her bones, in her spine and chest. Once diagnosed, Tricia had four, three day cycles of chemotherapy treatment (etoposide and cisplatin). The chemotherapy was very tough but unfortunately we only stablized the disease and made no progress. Our oncologist then recommended that she try Keytruda. This would require an infusion every 3 weeks so we decided to transfer our care to the University of Michigan.
The immunotherapy (Keytruda) treatment was very intense and caused a tremendous immune response in her body. She was on the drug for 5 months before a CT scan showed that her bones actually started to show signs of healing but the cancer unfortunately spread to her liver. In light of this, the team did not have many other good options left and we were told to "get our affairs in order."
Since we tried all recommended traditional forms of treatment, we decided to try an alternative cancer center out in Phoenix called The EuroMed Foundation. EuroMed was optimistic about getting this under control and we personally knew others who have had great success in their own cancer journey while being treated at EuroMed. We were told that we would have to be out her for the "intense" phase until we can get this disease under control. Then, we will be returning for maintenance treatments starting at every two weeks, then four weeks, etc., for an indefinite period of time. We know that a "cure" is not a possiblity at this point but it is very realistic to treat this like a chronic disease.
So far, treatment and living expenses has cost anywhere from $30,000 per month in the beginning to around $12,000 per month now (due to not needing as many weekly treatments). Health Insurance has covered around 10% of the treatments. In addition, Blake will be taking family medical leave from his teaching position, which will be unpaid.
Gavin (11) and Colson (7) are the joy of our lives. They will be traveling out to Arizona along with Tricia's parents about once per month. They will be bringing their school work with them and homeschool while enjoying their time with Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa. The family feels it is important to all be together, and both boys are excited about this adventure and the memories that they will be able to share with Mom while she is in this health battle.
We are so grateful and appreciative of the continual love, encouragement, prayers, and support that we've received from friends, family, and co-workers during this battle. God has been our anchor during this time, and we all look forward to seeing the rainbow at the end of this storm!!
If you'd like to check out the Euromed Foundation, the website is