Blake Hester's Medical Expenses
As many of you have heard, Saturday May 14, Blake Hester was in a terrible accident while riding at Brimstone this past weekend on his ATV. Blake was having dificulty breathing, terrible back pain, and loss of feeling in his legs. Thankfully a few locals were there at the time of the accident, they called 911 and gave them our location and eagerly went to meet up with the rescue squad and paramedics to bring them to our location. Everyone did the best they could to keep Blake comfortable and awake until they arrived. It took about 4 hours for the medical team to reach us, and get him to where lifelight was able to land. He was lifelighted to a hospital in Knoxville. Blake has several broken ribs, a contusion on his kidneys, swelling on his spinal cord which is affecting the feeling in his left leg. He spent 5 days in the Knoxville hospital, as of yesterday they have moved him to a In-Patient Rehahabilitation facilty at Skyline Medical Center to continue therapy with his legs from his spinal cord injury.
It will be awhile before Blake will be able to return to work. We are hoping to help Blake and Jessica out as much as we can. Even with insurance they are going to have numerous doctors bills from the lifelight and several nights in Knoxville, and now rehap-therapy. Along with their usual monthly bills, unfornatley they dont just stop in times like this.
Any donation, will be greatly appreciated and put towards medical expenses to help take some stress off Blake and Jessica, and prayers for a speedy recovery. We love you guys!!