Blue Rose Gallery
It is without hesitation that I place this request out into the universe, because angels have been sending me beautiful messages. Messages that lead me back to my hometown of Houston, Tx this summer, where I remembered and felt the empowerment of genuine interconnectivity. The importance within using physical and metaphysical hands to uplift the world we’ve all been given. Watering and tending to your roots - accepting and taking action in the name of your role in the grand energy exchange. That being said, it is now officially my goal to move back to Houston on my bday July 22nd and begin work towards opening a radical-formational-contemporary art gallery. I will be taking over the house in north Houston formally known as Private Eye, and Common House before that - which has served as a gallery/artist residency space off and on since 2015. In continuing the legacy, Blue Rose will host a myriad of creatively invested cultivations including but not limited to: exhibitions, screenings, palette expansive dining, pop up shops, workshops, serve as studio space, community organizing hub, a creative sanctuary and platform for the frequently disenfranchised. Houston and the South overall is rich with black culture, queer culture, POc culture and generally teeming with fringe spirit. The focus on uplifting this particular sector of up and coming artists in the community will provide great benefits, through cultural magnification and historical documentation. Honorably joining the footsteps of cultural mirroring institutions such as the Houston Museum of African American Culture and Project Row Houses, Blue Rose will be the first black, queer run gallery in the city of Houston and will serve to continue the enrichment of the massive spirit that resides in the South. Funds will go towards renovations, first 6 months rent, art handling/installation equipment, gallery supplies (e.g. speakers, lighting, etc.)