Bo's Roast for Camp Happy Days
Tax deductible
The James Island Vikings, in an effort to continue providing support for Camp Happy Days, want to help in providing children fighting cancer the opportunity to play, create friendships and be children without any financial responsibilities for their families. Camp Happy Days' 1 week summer camp is a time for these chances to be cultivated. The smiles and laughter are priceless, the stories are heartwarming and the memories they create last a life time. Camp is their largest program and thus their most costly. This GFM page is part of our ongoing drive towards the 9th Annual Bo's Roast & Chili cook-off on Jan. 26, 2019 benefiting Camp Happy Days. If you can’t make the best little oyster roast in town please donate here today. Last year alone we raised over $21,000.00. With your help we can surpass that amount this year! The JI Viking greatly appreciate your help in this endeavor!
See what you can be a part of!!!
See what you can be a part of!!!
Ji Vikings
Charleston, SC
Camp Happy Days