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Bob Mitchell with medical expenses

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We want to give Kim the memorial she deserves, to honor her memory and say our last goodbyes. We are asking for donations to help cover the cost of Kim's funeral expenses and hospital bills.
Kim did not have any insurance and was unexpectedly admitted into the hospital on Jan 25 2023. She was immediately diagnosed with acute liver failure. She went into a coma the following night, Jan 26th. Unfortunately, the many prayers, doctors, and treatments that were tried could not save her. Kim passed away Feb 3 2023. Her husband Bob, of 23 years is on disability and could use some help at this very difficult time. Please keep him in your prayers as well, he now has to say good bye to the woman he never thought he would live without.
Hug your loved ones, tell them you love them. We sure never thought she would be gone and it has made us realize how important the little things can be.

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Michael Mitchell
Evanston, IN
Robert Mitchell

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