Bobo and His Family REUNITED
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Frank and I'm starting this fundraiser for my employee from Africa. SOOO many people from across the US, and even around the world, have followed this incredible feel good (great) story...as I've shared it on social media over the last couple of years. It's quite a long one to recount here from the beginning, so I'm going to try and edit it down to a manageable size, without writing a book.
I met Bobo a few years ago, as I was walking my dogs in my neighborhood. I came across him delivering groceries to a house in my neighborhood, as he worked for a delivery app. He was carrying about 6 bags at once, hustling, but still was polite enough to stop in his tracks to let me by first, saying "excuse me sir". I said thank you and hustled by and immediately thought to myself, how impressive to be working so hard and rushing and still stop to let me by and say something to me so courteous. And I also thought, THAT is the kind of hustle and friendliness that I needed for employees for my business. That thought spun around in my head for another couple minutes as I rounded the corner out of sight from him. Something made me stop dead in my tracks, spin around, and run back up the hill to stop him. I caught him just as he was about to pull away in his car, and I knocked on his window, worried he would think I was crazy. He rolled down his window, and I said "I know this might sounds crazy but would you by chance be interested in another job?" And THAT'S how it all started!!
We exchanged numbers, I hired him, and he immediately became my BEST employee...and about 3 years later still is. Then one day as I often do with my employees, I wanted to get to know him and asked him where he was from, and how long he's been in the US, and if he had a family etc etc...and just like that, from simply ASKING, he then poured his story out to me.
He had been peacefully protesting some sort of student reform I believe, in home country, when he was arrested by his government. He was basically beaten and tortured (still has the scars today) and was eventually released...but then got word they were going to come back and take him again. He decided with his wife and then 5 year old daughter, that he had no choice but to escape his country or face the same fate or worse. So he escaped to another neighboring country, where he eventually made his way to the US, applying for asylum. When we met, he had been waiting aimlessly for 5 years with no clue how to investigate his application, let alone how to possible expedite it, to reunite with his family.
Bobo was such a nice fellow and SUCH A HARD WORKER, always smiling, always courteous and polite, always on time, never calling in sick, and appreciative of his employment ...that I decided to see if I could help him. And so one day I said "Bobo, maybe I can try to help you." And that started what has now become a 2+ year quest to get his asylum approved by the US Immigration Department (again, after he had been waiting 5 years). I shared this on social media, and had some friends reach out with leads for good immigration lawyers, but none would take on the case pro bono. I understand that 99% of cases, requires MONEY to pay for representation. But Bobo was such a great guy, I decided to just fund it myself. We found a great law firm and incredible lawyer who took our specific case, and so started the work.
Ana, and her firm, did all the work...while Bobo and I waited for updates, and of course in-depth studies, investigations, and interviews (even physical doctors exams to document his injures and scars)...and lots of WAITING in between all of these. But FINALLY on April 23, 2023 the INCREDIBLE news came in the form of a letter, saying that Bobo had been officially approved. But what it REALLY meant, was that Bobo could officially BEGIN the process of applying to have his wife and daughter (who is soon to be 13) which he hasn't seen face to face or hugged in almost 8 YEARS, to also finally come to the US to be REUNITED with him!!!
And then we began the process to get them approved to come here, which could have taken as much as 2 years...but was somehow approved in under 6 months!! WOW!! I believe that lots of hard work and PRAYERS made this happen. And a sincere THANK YOU from Bobo, his family, and myself to all those who have prayed for this day. And speaking of today... yes, just today, Oct 13, 2023, we got word their passports and visas had arrived...and they can COME HERE TO BE REUNITED, LEGALLY!! Praise the Lord, we DID IT!!!
We will be buying their planes tickets probably within a week, as we strategize the exact date to have them fly here. They have never been far from their small town, and now must prepare to move forever to the US. That might take a bit of planning, and Nov 1 Bobo will move into a new (to him) bedroom apartment in Arlington Va. They will be starting their lives here from scratch, in a foreign land, and just coming with some suitcases of clothes and maybe a little of their customary food...that's IT. So our goal here is to give them a financial kickstart to begin life in AMERICA...rent, food, living expenses, maybe even a house downpayment!!
Many many people have reached out asking how they can donate to Bobo and his family, and this will be one of many avenues to fuel that desire to help. No amount is too small, and BELIEVE ME when I tell you, NOBODY is more genuinely and humbly grateful from the heart, than Bobo!!! LET'S DO IT for Bobo and his wife and daughter!!
Frank Fumich
McLean, VA