Money for Books 4 At-Risk Students
Donation protected

I work with under-privileged, at-risk, and disenfranchised youth; teens who don't have high expectations for themselves or guidance from almost anyone. I will use the money from here to buy more high-interest, age-appropriate books to get them reading! My goal is to stretch the money out as much as I can by buying second-hand and used books. I would love to expand the classroom library as soon as possible to help our students become passionate readers and writers, since reading and writing go hand in hand. I spend much of my own money on books but know that together we can provide a much greater selection of books for these kids. I'll know we were successful when I have students initiating their own reading and ask me to take a book home to read. I truly believe that when kids say they don't like reading it is because they haven't found their type of books. An enthusiastic teacher plus great books equals success for every student! If you can, please donate or share to make more people aware of this campaign. Thank you kindly! #GFMtoschool
Carlos & Claudia Salinas
San Antonio, TX