URGENT Aid for Kenyan Rangers & School Girls
I’m Ericka Ceballos, founder and CEO of IAFAF (International Aid for Animals Foundation). We are a non-profit 100% volunteer-based, fully registered Canadian organization. Our aim for this fundraiser is to help the MLCR (Mara Loita Community Rangers), who protect endangered wildlife from poachers. Our other goal is to help the Kenyan girls in their community who miss school each month because they don’t have access to or can’t afford sanitary
1) Their main donor passed away, and the rangers haven't been paid for the last 11 months, so the rangers and their families are struggling to buy any food, and support their families.
2) Founder and also ranger of the Mara Loita Rangers was gored by a buffalo and almost died.
3) Their 4x4 vehicle was just repossessed by the bank, after the founder took a loan to fix it and to pay the rangers, and was unable to keep up the loan payments.
4) When these rangers are on patrol, they travel 20 kilometers every day through the densely forested mountains of Loita. They are even struggling to afford food to take with them on these patrols.
5) The funds raised will also help to buy milk to feed for the rescued wildlife.
Over $2,200.00 buys 40,000 feminine pads in Nairobi, plus transportation costs to deliver in Narok
$650.00 buys a second hand motorbike for the rangers to use on their patrols
The following is just a very basic example of the prices in Narok, Kenya and how your donation would help a lot the rangers and their families:
0.75 Cents buys 1 loaf of bread
0.86 buys 1 and 1/2 liter of water
$1.10 buys 1 liter of milk to feed their orphan wild animals
$1.21 buys 1 kilo of potatoes
$2.02 buys 1 liter of gas
$2.50 buys 1 kilo of rice
If you donate $10.00, your money buys: 1 loaf of bread, 1 1/2 liter of water, 1 liter of milk, 1 kilo of potatoes, 1 liter of gas and 1 kilo of rice.
If you donate $50.00, your money buys: 5 loaves of bread, 7 1/2 liters of water, 5 liters of milk to feed their rescued orphan animals, 5 kilos of potatoes, 5 kilos of rice and 5 litters of gas.
The Mara Loita Community Rangers protect their elephants, rhinos and all wildlife from poachers, as well as remove snares, traps and rescue wildlife. When they do get donations, they try to help the girls in their community by buying sanitary pads for them, so they can go to school when they get their period each month. They also support 12
orphans and very poor seniors.
The Kenyan girls from 3 isolated schools need our support as well. When they get their period each month, they are forced to miss school because they do not have sanitary products. They have even resorted to using leaves, old rags or sharing pads, which of course, is very unhealthy. They have limited access to water, so reusable pads are not an
option. If they get their period during class, they are mocked by the boys in school, which is another reason they do not attend that time of the month.
We are aiming to buy over 40,000 feminine pads for these girls. For that we need over $2,000 CAD. We will also deliver toiletries kindly donated by the Body Shop. Other items we purchased or were donated, such as pencils, erasers, toys, puzzles, books, first aid kits, lanterns, sun glasses, socks and much more will also be delivered to the rangers, the school girls and orphans.
IAFAF also have an environmental and educational program to help the people there, to learn how to avoid wildlife-human conflict, planting local trees, and using recycled items to make saleable crafts to help recover from lost income during the pandemic.
We would appreciate your help to accomplish our goal to support the Mara Loita Community Rangers. They desperately need our support during this very difficult time.
As well, we hope you will help us to reach our goal to buy enough sanitary pads in Kenya for the 540 girls in the 3 isolated schools.
Thank you in advance for your donations.
YOU CAN ALSO DONATE AIRMILES, so the IAFAF volunteers can take over 200 kilos of donations from Canada to Kenya.
You can learn more about the IAFAF KENYA PROJECT:
International Aid For Animals Foundation

Ericka Ceballos
New Westminster, BC