Borja's 42nd Birthday Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Hey, it's my birthday again! For the last couple years, I've been telling my friends to not get me any gifts for my birthday, as I would much prefer that they spend the money on a donation to an LGBT non-profit/charity (and, to sweeten the deal, I offer to match their donation, up to a limit)
This year, I'm raising funds for the Center on Halsted, an LGBTQ community center in Chicago, and I will be matching the first $4,200 of your donations (get it? because I'm turning 42!)
About Me
If you found this fundraiser by happenstance, and don't actually know me, I am an Associate Senior Instructional Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. Check out my university page for more details. You can also follow me on Twitter.
Oh, I'm also, like, super gay, hence my penchant for raising money for LGBTQ causes.
About my Birthday Fundraiser
On my 30th birthday, I hosted a birthday party but asked guests to not bring any gifts. However, one friend told me that he still wanted to get me something, and decided to make a donation to The Trevor Project in my name.
The following year, on my 31st birthday, and inspired by that previous gift, I decided that, instead of just telling folks not to get me gifts, I would explicitly solicit donations to The Trevor Project and, to sweeten the deal, I offered to match their donations (up to a limit)
Since then, I have run a birthday fundraiser and, while The Trevor Project was initially the recipient every year, I've tried to find a new charity/non-profit each year because, to quote Dolly Levi, "Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow."
So far, my birthday fundraisers have raised $41,592 for LGBTQ non-profits/charities, and that is truly the best birthday present I could ever wish for.
2021: $6,324 for Brave Space Alliance
2020: $8,000 for Brave Space Alliance
2019: $2,434 for The Trevor Project
2018: $4,008 for the National Center for Transgender Equality
2017: $3,252 for Trans Lifeline
2016: $2,854 for the Center on Halsted
2015: $3,462 for The Ali Forney Center
2014: $2,448 for The Trevor Project
2013: $2,642 for The Trevor Project
2012: $3,668 for The Trevor Project
2011: $2,500 for The Trevor Project

Borja Sotomayor
Chicago, IL
Center on Halsted