Botha Family UK Homecoming
We are Hoping to Move Back to the UK...
If Covid has taught us all anything, it is that life is short, unpredictable, and just how important our family are. With my parents now in their 70s we have felt that it is time for us to head back to the UK, to be close to them and support them as they are grow older, and while we can still have some quality time together.
Many of you will know we have been going through a very challenging season as a family, over the last few years; physical, emotionally and financially. We have worked hard to try to turn things round and make things work here in Cape Town, but sadly our situation has simply become unsustainable so we decided that we need to move back to the UK this year. (If you are not aware of our circumstances and would like to know what we have been facing as a family, please feel free to contact me directly).
There are obviously many strong reasons pulling us to return to the UK; most importantly for us is so our children can enjoy time with their dear grandparents and the hope that we as a family may have some possibility of a future without the burden of continued untenable debt...
Due to the effects of the Covid pandemic and the significant financial constraints we have been facing for some time, with the impact of long term illness and loss of significant income, we realised that we could not afford the substantial costs to make the move to the UK. So, we have been holding off our move - in the hope of things improving financially now Lockdown has lifted in SA and the increased chance of being able to get the funds together. Then Covid has stuck our family this month and yet again we face significant loss of income. And so the cycle continues, and shows no sign of letting up anytime soon.
Knowing the struggles we have been facing, many kind friends and family members have recently approached us to ask how they can help?
It’s never easy to ask or accept help, as our pride stops us. To be honest our whole situation has felt too BIG to contemplate how a few kind souls can actually help us?! But with our hope to move back to UK, we realise THIS is how they could help, should they wish and be able to...
After much prayer and petition we feel our only option is to reach out and ask for help from our friends and family and wider community at this time, to help us with the considerable costs to get our family back to the UK asap...
In order to move to the UK we will need:
> Child settlement visas £1523 x 2 = £3046
> Proof of Savings in UK for Visas +/- £3000
> Flights = Kindly covered by my parents.
> Hotel quarantine for a family of 4 = £3050
> House Deposit = £1200
> Monthly Rental = £1200
Total: £11,496
We know that everyone is struggling at this time, and no one has the funds to cover any one of these significant costs, but collectively, making whatever contribution you feel able or lead to offer, we may well have the potential to make this move happen!
We continue to choose to Trust God with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding. We acknowledge Him in all our ways and believe He will make our path straight ❤️