Boulder Strong Support for Emily Giffen
This goFund me is to support Emily Giffen, all donations will be going directly to her. I, Jessica Mazzatenta set this up on her behalf. She will be added as a beneficiary to withdraw the money directly. Thank you.
Emily Giffen is the most beautiful soul I’ve have the pleasure to meet. Unfortunately she was a part of the King Soopers shooting.
Many of you have seen her interview on the news....
Some have read the BuzzFeed article...
...If not, know my dear friend had just gone out for a break when she saw the shooter, witnessed the death of at least 2 men, and grabbed the women next to her (someone she didn’t even know) and got her to RUN for their lives together!
Emily is a HERO.
She will tell you differently....
Emily shows up to work at King Soopers through the entire pandemic almost (if not) everyday! She’s worked her self into the ground to help provide her community with their essential needs-food, medicine, toiletries, etc. She was an essential worker and worked hard while everyone else was home. Emily went to work facing the fear of the unknown with this virus.
Emily is SELFLESS.
In her work and personal life she’s always trying to help someone. Even through this horrible tragedy she pulled that woman through fear, not leaving her behind. Emily told me she would of taken a bullet for this girl had it come to it. They were in it together- and she was a complete stranger.
Through the years I’ve know Emily she’s helped me through so many difficult times in my life. I know she’s done this for more than just me! This is a girl that would spend her last dollars helping anyone or an animal in need. She’s always there if you need her (for me even 1,800 miles away) to offer an ear or words of wisdom. -She’d never leave you behind.
Emily is a SURVIVOR.
She has battled many hardships, unfortunately maybe more than your average person. Yet she always comes out on top and stronger than before!
But this time it’s different...
This tragedy .... this one will be harder to over come.
Emily needs our support. A HUGE thank you to all who have been there for her this far already. If we can all support her by giving (even just a little) her way to help her live, eat, heal and survive from this tragedy; both Physically and mentally. Then I truly believe we’ll be giving back to her and she can overcome.
A small part of my dear friend’s posted just one week after this tragedy...
“ I am so blessed to be alive but I know I’ll never be the same. I hope my spunk comes back. I look at my physical face and I can see the damage. I see my eyes don't shine as much, my posture and the way I carry myself is different, my eyes droop my skin even seems dull. I see so much pain in my face that I cant fix right away...... I just want to feel normal again.”
When the rest of the world moves on... the victims, like Emily will deal with this for the rest of their lives....If ANYONE can help us raise some money to hopefully help bring Emily’s soul back, because we can’t let her spark die,- it’s just too beautiful!
-A sincere THANK YOU from Emily’s Mother Rona and myself.
the money raised will help Emily LIVE.
Kingsoopers apparently will be paying the employees for their time off, how ever even if they do Emily may not be able to get this money due to having a move planned. Emily can use this money to pay for living expenses so she doesn’t need to worry on top of the worrying she’s doing already. It can also help her get help with any PTSD she will have from seeing this horrible event that took place . Thank you for all the supporters.