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Bowen Ballerz Basketball and Sports Tour 2024

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In January 2024 our Under 12 Bowen State School basketball team will travel to Melbourne to be a part of the Eltham Dandenong Junior Basketball Tournament over Australia Day long weekend. The carnival is one of the largest and longest running tournaments in the world.

The team has been selected based on a number of factors, including
skill level, dedication, behaviour and embodiment of our school values.

This experience is a unique opportunity for our students to:
Compete against teams of various levels of ability.
Travel interstate to a major city and learn what life is like in an environment that students are unfamiliar with.
Be exposed to a carnival atmosphere.
Build relationships within their team and with other competing
Develop teamwork, sportsmanship, and pride in their school and

Two additional days have been included in the itinerary to give
students the experience of being in a big city and seeing sights such
as going to the MCG, going to an NBL game and learning to surf.

This truly will be a trip of a lifetime for these students and any support to make this possible will be greatly appreciated.


Bogie, QLD

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