With Saddness,
On December 2, 2015 on or around about 4:30pm, the SFPD shot and brutally killed my son Mario Woods. Mario was a very outgoing, passionate and self-motivated young man. Mario was a charm to his family and everyone that he came in contact with. He had a way of helping people when and where he could.
Living in a low income community, Mario faced many obstacles which he was able to overcome. Three years ago, I noticed my son suffered from severe depression and mental health issues; something also not well represented in our community. As a mother, I worked around the clock to get my son the help he needed; to no avail.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the death of my son, I am still charged with resting his body. Currently I am without means so I’m reaching out with the help of GO Fund Me, strangers, family and friends for help to cover funeral expenses.
No contribution is too small…..
Thanks in Advance
The Woods Family