Brain Surgery for Lina in Lithuania
I'm Jeff LeClaire, and I'm making this GoFundMe on behalf of Lina Karnatkienė because this service is not available in her home country of Lithuania.
She's a former student of mine, and she has visibly suffered from some nervous disorder for as long as I've known her. Only recently have I heard the whole story (which you can read below). Despite the difficulties in her life, she has always been a supportive and integral member of our online community of language learners that I still keep in touch with today.
It would be a dream come true for her to finally get some effective treatment for her Parkinson's, but the treatment is not available in Lithuania, and it will cost her 8,000 Euros to have it performed in another country. By today's exchange rate (July 5, 2021), 8,000 Euros makes $9,495.10. I will make sure that Lina receives 100% of the money raised from this GoFundMe.
Lina did a great job describing her situation in English, and you can read it here:
"I am Lina Karnatkienė from Lithuania. I am 55 years old and got sick at the age of 24. I have been ill since 1990, but an exact diagnosis couldn't be established for over 10 years. In 2001, I was finally diagnosed with a rare disease of the nervous system - early-onset Parkinson's disease.
I've tried all treatment methods that are available in Lithuania. The disease has been treated with medication for many years; however, as the Parkinson's has progressed, this medication has become less effective, and I experience adverse reactions (involuntary movements).
I was consulted remotely by specialists from Germany who thought I needed a head surgery (deep brain stimulation), but that would require going to their hospital and an additional examination, which I would have to pay for by myself (€ 8,000).
I appeal to you because I no longer have anything to turn to. Everyone refuses to help. The situation is really complicated because I have been a widow for 20 years, I don’t have a job and my income is a disability benefit that is below the absolute poverty line. I lost my job in 2013 because of this illness, and the side effects prevent me from finding a new job. I don’t have enough money and I can’t be a normal member of society, so I have to ask for help to reimburse me for the cost of treatment. As far as income is concerned, it is a mockery of human dignity and at least the satisfaction of minimum needs. It is utter indifference to the common man, and especially to the sick, who cannot be treated simply because he has no money. Please help get financial support so I can continue treatment.
Lina Karnatkiene"