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Brandon and Shannon Daniel

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Most Recent update!!!!!
Hello friends. Brandon is done with his 33 brain radiation treatments. He's also done with his physical therapy recovery. Though physical therapy didn't heal up his right leg fully he was still able to go back to work this week. He will have to wear his fitted carbon fiber leg brace for life or his soft wrap when needed. He suffers from drop foot, no movement in his large toe and limited mobility in his right ankle & Achilles. Though it may still improve- only time will tell. The doctor looked over his job description and clearance was given for going back to work full time. Amen!! And, HE IS DRIVING AGAIN!! The timing of everything has been amazing and overall, a huge blessing. Brandon it's currently dealing with post radiation fatigue and we're told it should last only about 4 weeks. Upcoming, in mid May, Brandon and I are headed back to Montlake Fred Hutch Cancer Clinic for his post radiation MRI. Please pray that the remaining tumor is now gone. We are anxious to see those results. At this point we haven't heard of chemotherapy or clinic trials, but I assume they are wanting this MRI as the starting point regardless. Again, THANK YOU for praying. Thank you for the cards and hugs and phone calls and gifts. Our family feels the love from you all. Thank you to the sponsor who purchased Baylees graduation cap & gown, thank you for the baskets sat on our patio, thank you for our gracious neighbors for helping with our animals, ramp and roof etc. Brandon's County crew coworkers for the massive laborious help with our dilapidated roof. The driving assistance from friends when I was mentally not able to drive. It goes on. Thank you all!!

Dear family, friends and strangers of Brandon Daniel~
Hello everyone.
Brandon and I have had our fair share of setbacks over the last 3 months. Despite these setbacks, Brandon is moving forward with 33 brain radiation treatments. They'll be daily and take about 7weeks. So far he's done 3 and is feeling fine. They said radiation creeps up over time, but typically seen right away. He'll lose his hair about 1 week in. Along with many other side effects he'll primarily have extreme fatigue and inflammation in the brain. With inflammation and having an autoimmune disorder, the heightened inflammatory response could show potential for seizures. We are praying that he stays seizure free. He's on medication for that as well. Overall we're staying planted at home for the next few months. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. They did see in his recent MRI that the residual tumor has grown and we really hope that radiation shrinks it all away with minimal right side neglect. For now he's still in physical therapy twice a week, but may slow up on that as he has less and less stamina. We'll see. This journey is new to us.

******BIGGEST UPDATE YET****** PLEASE SHARE TO HELP THEM MORE AS THEY WILL SO NEED IT!! Thank you all for loving them as you do :)
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024:

On Wednesday Brandon & I drove several hours to Montlake, Seattle-UW Medicine radiology dept. 2 hours after his MRI, we met with his neurosurgeon & team. They’ve determined that his healing process has been going very well (post surgery) & they are happy with his current recovery rate. When they reviewed the MRI images they were a little worried. They mentioned that the residual tumor portion has grown a bit and is showing signs that the cancer cells are multiplying in a fast manner. They wanted to tell us that they think the best option is to meet with oncology as planned, in 2 days. He also stated that Brandon will be receiving MRI’s every 6 months from now on.

Later that day we were able to finally make an appt for speech pathology. 3 months of looking and FINALLY UW found a place in Lacey, to accept Brandon as a new patient. That appt and process starts in 2 weeks, for an initial exam & future recommendations.

Friday, January 26, 2024:

Met with the UW oncologist today. She reviewed the MRI & talked with neuro. She is strongly requesting oncology. The type is photon full radiation, of 33 RH treatments. We opted for Aberdeen Providence clinic. (They were amazing for my mom’s 4 cancerous brain tumors) Brandon is already in physical therapy twice a week in Elma, dentist is Elma, Eye dr is Hoquiam and I work in Elma etc. It just makes more sense logistically since he can’t drive at this time and my helpers are limited. Also, less population to work around in the Aberdeen clinic. (Less sick folks to be around & more availability)

There were other considerations and ideas too. Brandon has a history of RA and inflammation due to this autoimmune disorder. We are being told that the RH radiation and inflammatory diseases exacerbated side effects tremendously. We are worried about this as he’s not doing only 10 RH treatments (like my mom did), he’s doing 33… which is the full amount that a human can receive. The initial side effects as well as the long term effects are very sad if you investigate further. We hope that therapies will help, they seem happy that he is younger and overall healthier, but they are saying that this has been an issue with others. At this point we are unsure of how his body will respond, but we have no other option and thee best CEO and Director of UW medicine, oncologist. She really is the best in the nation in this field. Which is amazing!

He’ll most likely be on seizure meds forever as well. At our first meeting, she said chemo wouldn’t be an option because of the brain. The brain is different than body, so chemo is not a worry. Which is good to hear.

Please pray with us as we embark on several months of unknowns. Love you all! The overwhelming support has been very emotional for us!

Thank you! -Brandon, Shannon & Baylee Daniel…also JackJack dog & his 3 cats-

per Shannon 11/24/23
Post UW oncology meeting update:
Our sweet neighbor Dave took Brandon and I up to Seattle to meet with the oncology team at the UW-Medical Clinic in Montlake on Monday the 20th. We learned so much new information about Brandon's prognosis. We now have a better idea of what we're up against, what to research, how to plan & we've signed up for couples coping counseling. With many things weighing in on us, this has been a huge mental overload to even think about. How do we tell our child Baylee? How do we tell our family? How should we tell our friends? Does everyone even need to know?
What we would like to say is.. "it'll be fine". But as we all know, the word "cancer", is sad. It's harsh. It's not fair. It's a hard thing to even say outloud and it adds that quiet gray cloud over any conversation...

With Dr discussions about the location & type/grade of Brandon's meningioma, we are really struggling to tell people. These type or grade #2 tumors most of the time come back. Even after he goes thru 6 and a half weeks of daily radiation, possible chemo and perhaps clinical trials, it's going to cause his health to go backwards. They are worried that he might go backwards on cognitive function, talking, walking, weakness, fatigue, brain fog, thought processes, memory, eating etc.
We're focused right now recovery. They said this is the highest importance. He must get his strength up and get his right leg to work but it's been a rough battle. Come January Brandon will have another MRI. Directly after that, we will talk about 6.5 weeks of daily radiation, where and how. There are more details to think about as well. We're reading post treatment issues and needs but they aren't great. Very sobering statistics on grade 2 meningiomas. Brandon is hopeful to get back to work. He's been very positive thus far. He's praising God each day. He's been strong for me and for Baylee. He's still astonished by the help and love and support. We are forever thankful to everyone! I pray for PEACE during this holiday season because we sure need it. All of us. Us and you! This world is dismal and unsure these days. But one thing stands true, faith. It's always faith. We have faith there's a plan. There's a reason and there's a way. Thank you to everyone who's stood by us thru this struggle. You are needed more than you know!

Brandon is showing improvement! Good appetite, he's coming off steroids slowly, his glucose is fine now, so no need for insulin shots. He's getting continued blood thinner shots as a preventive need. His care team is working him HEAVILY with different therapies. Estim, speech pathology & cognitive training, occupational therapy, extensive physical therapy & psychology. They're working towards right side strength & toning. They are having to get creative because his right leg is numb and cold still. From above the knee & down. He tells his foot to move his toes and nothing happens. Same with any ankle movements. They said most likely-about 3 months for that area to respond. Brandon is taking things with kindness & patience. Today they allowed him to walk with the leg orthotic & no walker. He did steps with railings even!
They aren't wanting him to solely use orthotic though. He must focus hard for brain function to that right lower leg. Range of motion is a must throughout the day. Due to it being so cold at the ankle and foot, they're using heat packs for bedtime. No answers about his biopsies yet. We're praying for miracles & we're praying for overall strength!

**UPDATES** Friends Shannon and Brandon NEED us more then ever before!!!
Shannon is so exhausted and overwhelmed with all of this.. I'll get more info for what all HELP (besides money) she will need at home, until then share this like crazy please and God bless you all

Newer update as of 12:56am!!!
I talked to Brandon!!! He is having troubles feeling his right leg. They carted him off for yet another CT scan. (Not good on the massive radiation side of things.) CT scan showed ok. But they now have a STAT MRI... which will take place in probably 7 hours. Pray hard people. He can't lose a leg. He just can't...
Nurse was absolutely sweet and even held the phone to him. Brandon said "don't forget about posting on fb for everyone." I said I'm on top of it hun. He is worried. He also told me he has a large tube out of his head. The nurse said this was a very long surgery and the surface space of this tumor was huge. Lots of blood and fluids and they are worried about pressure etc. 2 weeks for that thing to stay in.. Brandon sounded awful. Barely could talk. But guess what..still sarcastic and joked that he didn't know who I was. And he asked for my name. ‍♀️ I said "ya.. real funny!!!???..." jerk! SMH

Update from his surgeon: 11:06pm
**Good news/Bad news**
Good news: No blood transfusion was needed.
Good news: He'll be in good hands for the next several days most likely in ICU.
Good news: Brandon was a walking miracle.
❤️Bad news: They were not able to remove all of the tumor. He'll need to undergo radiation treatments. As the right leg was or could've been done for..they opted to retain his full mobility. As the sagital sinus was breaking down... they had to quickly do electro tests to his right leg to see if they lost it or not. It came back positive.. which is good..and they can see that his right leg "should be OK". The leftover mass will mean he has to do full brain radiations and this has me sick to my stomach... the side effects are evil.. (I took my mom to all 10 of her full head radiation appts. )
❤️Bad news:These type of masses hv a tendency to come back. He'll be a neuro patient forever. There are stages: 3-cancer, 2-aggresive growth like cancer, and stage 1-less aggressive growth but not to be trusted. As his items are sent away to pathology we now wait about 2 WEEKS to hear the results. WE ARE PRAYING THAT THEY AREN'T CANCER OR AGGRESSIVE IN NATURE.
The tumor had to be removed in many pieces. This was a highly laborious major surgery. He stated that typically when these types of tumors are found is in a patients autopsy. Meaning- Brandon was a walking miracle.
Surgeons said his swelling/edema was pretty bad. If the swelling can be kept down (probably via steroids) it'll reduce his risk for seizures. I don't hv it in me to survive another one. I'm super worried about future seizures. Like an actual phobia of it..
They weren't fully out of surgery even now, but he'll be in a room about midnight. He suggested that I not see him at this time because I will freak out. He will be unresponsive and look weird too. So tomorrow morning my friend Rachel & I will go there. My head is spinning. My heart is sad. This could be a long recovery and obviously life altering from what we knew as our life... home, daughter, occupation, income, driving, vehicles, insurance, bills, money, man duties... We just don't know.

Early Friday morning (10-06-23) Brandon Daniel had a FULL Grand Mal seizure while sleeping. (Tonic-Clonic nocturnal seizure)
His wife Shannon called 911 & followed the direction of the dispatcher. At the end of the first seizure, she was reluctant & panicking but had to start life-saving measures. After a minute of chest compressions & trying not to wake their daughter, she noted he began to go into 2 other seizures. Once medics arrived, Brandon was rushed to Elma Hospital. Baylee and Shannon were overcome with fear as Brandon left the driveway. With Brandon's dad in tow, Brandon was quickly seen by ER staff. Kind and compassionate Nurses tended to his needs.

Blood work & CT scan showed very sad results. An apple sized mass is pushing onto his brain! His family is still in utter shock. Not one symptom ever!? How can this be??

Admitted overnight in Elma, as the Harborview transport was CANCELED!!! No beds available (STATEWIDE) for Neuro or ICU.
An MRI was quickly done at the Elma facility. The neurosurgeon later contacted us and stated that it looks to be benign type, but that's obviously not 100% as he only has those images. He gave med dosages and quickly talked about post seizure issues. With Brandon's acute kidney injury, missing parts of his tongue, cheek and punctured li, he was definitely staying the night at the hospital. Brandon was discharged the next day.

With Brandon's high level of 24-hour care needs, no more driving (His license has been revoked till further notice as his seizures pose a very high risk of injury to himself and others on the road) no swimming, Ect. This has completely grounded both Brandon and Shannon from work immediately. This now causes an enormous financial stress on them both. We all know that these two are not even close to the type to ask for help but they both realize that now is the time to do such.

Brandon was seen at UW with the neuro team in North Seattle on Wednesday (10/11/23) PER SHANNON DANIEL -- Please know we are optimistic!!!
The placement of the mass is right on top of the left hemisphere, and we hope for a full removal and speedy full recovery. With so much unknown ahead and with surgery needed ASAP poor Shannon's world is spinning!!! Brandon has been tired and only complains of pressure in his head and small headaches. He is eating a lot for the shape his mouth is in so that's good news!! Brandon is talking a bit more now and is easier to understand and he is sarcastic more than ever. Brandon is emotionally distraught and hopeful at the same time. Baylee is doing very well with this all and Shannon states "she is a HOT MESS" as any wife would be after such a tragic event. We all know Shannon loves till it hurts and now she needs ALL OF US to love her back just as fierce!!

Those of you that know Brandon, Shannon and Baylee know that Faith, Family and Friends are LIFE to them!! Anything that's given will BLESS them more then you could imagine. They also don't want anyone to feel obligated to financially give if that's not possible no worries there, cause prayers, kind words and sharing of this post will BLESS them just the same. They appreciate the love and kind support from all of you.
Shannon says, "It's been kind of crazy with all this support, that it truly makes our hearts FULL" and we honestly love you all.

All to say God is good and he gives us the blessings he knows we so badly need.
I'm Teri a dear friend to Shannon, Brandon and Baylee. To hear and read all that has gone on in just 6 short days is mind blowing! With knowing how overwhelmed Shannon is to be Brandon's Full-Time caretaker, puts on so much more to her already full plate and I just know we can all somehow make a difference for them. With a loving heart I want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to read this, giving kind words, help in any way you can, pray and sharing this will just show them how much they mean to us all.

I'll keep this page updated as I recieve the updates!!


  • Adam Wickes
    • $100
    • 10 mos
  • Kathy & Jerry Elofson
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Ron Heath
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Michael Poe
    • $100
    • 1 yr

Organizer and beneficiary

Teri Hatmaker
McCleary, WA
Shannon Daniel

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