Break Diving End of 2019 Fundraiser
We originally had a goal of raising $1000 by the end of 2019 for the following reasons:
$200 applied to our scholarship fund, to give away to deserving Break Diving members worldwide.
$200 applied to our endowment, to help grow our self-sustaining operating fund.
$100 applied to our emergency fund, to keep us going during lean months and to account for potential financial emergencies.
$500 applied to our programs and operations fund, to keep the servers running, the classroom up, pay our financial obligations, and allow us to continue the global expansion of
However, based on the recent development of our database space about to run out, we've modified this so that about $750 would be used just for operations, and specifically, to keep the servers up. If we rraise more than $1000, a larger share of the excess will go towards our endowment, scholarship fund, and emergency fund.
Thank you for helping us to reach our goal! All donations will be applied to all of the above programs.