Breakfast 815 2021
Tax deductible
Our 2021 campaign is “Champions for Breakfast 815”! Our mission is to “fight hunger in the community by providing nutritious food to those in urgent need that find themselves in an unforeseen economic situation.” The “Champions for Breakfast 815” campaign is to raise funds to provide a balanced breakfast for members of the families that we serve. As the Rock River Valley’s first community-based food pantry, we rely totally on grants, volunteers, and fundraising.
RRVP provides food items to over 2,000 individuals each month. Currently we operate two pantries, with both locations in economically depressed neighborhoods. As an emergency pantry we provide nutritious food that will meet the caloric needs of each family member for four days. In FY21 we had 23,000 user visits and distributed more than 1,500,000 pounds of food. A small staff and approximately 125 volunteers are responsible for the program’s success. We have been making a difference in the community for over 40 years.
With your help we can continue to meet that need!
Kim Adams-Bakke
Rockford, IL
Rock River Valley Pantry