Attempt at breaking a GWR for the Kids Village
A group of slightly crazy girls at Ashby Netball Club have decided they can shoot netball goals for a solid 24 hours! Mad, perhaps, but possible, maybe! Why I hear you ask? One of the team made a pledge to fundraise after seeing her inspirational little girl Evelyn, fight for her life after being born with a rare congenital condition called Hirschsprung’s disease, so Ashby Netball stood up and wanted to help. Hence our Netball marathon and world record challenge was created!
This idea which started off as a bit of a pipe dream very quickly came to life, and that is only thanks to the phenomenal support of the ladies. There were offers of staying up overnight, relentless training to practice the constant shooting, everyone giving up their own time. The commitment and dedication has been fantastic to see, there is a real comradery within the team and this has shone through massively.
A few words from Carla... "There is always a reason behind any idea I come up with and this one is extra special one for me, based on the journey I had with my precious daughter Evelyn. Evelyn was born on the 15th of February 2021 and within 50 hours of her birth, she was fighting for her little life in neonatal intensive care. We were surrounded by terrified parents whose babies had to endure the most heart-breaking circumstances to help their brave little babies survive, and we were quickly aware of what an awful situation is it for any parent to face difficulties following births.
Evelyn has a rare condition called Hirschsprung disease, along with multiple other problems to contend with, she had a 9 hour major operation to remove 2/3 of her bowel at just 3 months old. Once again, we were in hospital and living day by day, praying our daughter would survive and come home to her loving family. We have met so many families during our time in hospitals with Evelyn and can see how difficult it is for all families to manage childhood illness.
So now we want to help, and use some of the motivation I see in my daughter every single day through all her struggles and all the uncertainly of what’s to come in her life and the life of so many other children.
The charity we have selected to raise money for is the Kids Village, a UK based charity for children with a critical illness or who have spend significant time in hospital and the work they do is invaluable for the children they help. www.thekidsvillage.org.uk.
I’m so thankful to the girls at Ashby Netball Club for their support, dedication, commitment and tenacity to take on this challenge.’
So the plan… we want to break the world record for the number of netball goals scored in a 24 hour period, no easy task! We will be following the strict criteria and complying with the guidance of the official Guinness World Record rules and all we ask from you is for your support and hopefully a donation to our charity. As little or as much as you can afford, we would be so grateful and anything at all can go along way.
The team have been
Date: 4th and 5th of Feb
Number of participants 35
Current WR – 14,246
Target – 15000
More details to follow but please help us to support this incredible event! We are excited to take on the challenge as a team, we have such a great group of ladies working on the event, but also the main aim is to raise money for this incredible charity and we are unstoppable.
Carla Garey