Breaks Climbing Development Fund
Tax deductible
The Breaks Interstate Park is a uniquely beautiful destination with the potential to create positive change in the Central Appalachian region as well as build valuable connections between people and the outdoors. Since officially opening to climbing in 2016 Breaks Park has seen the development of over 150 new routes and hundreds of feet of access trail built. Much of this development has been funded by the Breaks Park because they support climbing and want to make our experience great. Now it's time for the climbing community to help the Breaks further this mission. In Spring of 2019 the CACC was awarded a $5,000 trails grant from the Access Fund to be spent on cliff access projects at the Breaks. We are hoping to raise over $5,000 to match that grant and double what the Breaks can do for developing climbing infrastructure at the park. If successful this funding will support trail crews, signage, and hardware, leading to hundreds of new routes, new trails to access cliffs still waiting to be climbed, and help cover Breaks climbing expenses for years to come. The Breaks is one of the fastest growing climbing destinations in the South East and is a huge asset to both the climbing and greater Central Appalachian community. Your donation helps further climbing, the Breaks, and the region as a whole. Check out this video to see the beauty and potential for climbing at the Breaks - https://vimeo.com/327848816/6c686befad

Bradly Mathisen
Norton, VA
Central Appalachia Climbers Coalition