Fundraiser for The Dayton's
As some of you may know, in October, 2016, Breanne had a terrifying and life altering experience. Her donor heart since age 2, suddenly was rejected by her body and life as she knew it prior to that day was forever changed. Due to the rejection of her donor heart, she suffered through a month in the ICU on life support. But Breanne rallied back and was able to sustain a procedure that would save her life. She underwent a new procedure only a limited number of people worldwide have gone through and successfully received a Total Artificial Heart (TAH). Though Breanne is now continuing to recover at home, she and her family have had many challenges along the way. Unfortunately, Breanne, though improving, has been in and out of the hospital since her TAH procedure and her continuing recovery is not without its challenges. Breanne and her family are continuing to recover and looking to the future with great positivity, but they are struggling with the finances associated with the new lifestyle that comes along with the recovery process. Breanne continues to endure grueling therapy and continues to overcome many associated health concerns connected to the “new normal” she and her family have come to know. Along with this new normal comes many new expenses both related to healthcare and the day to day getting by.
Her friends and family want to raise money to help Eileen and Breanne with the multiple expenses so they can continue to focus on the recovery process.
Any donation you can give is appreciated. Please help spread the word!