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Breast tumor removal

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A couple years ago I felt some little bumps in my breasts. I then went to my doctor and he told me not to worry I went and got an ultra sound and mammogram, the doctors told me they are more than likely  Fibroadenomas and to watch them. Over the past two years one has doubled and one has has tripled in size and has made my boobs different sizes. One is 7 cm and one is 10cm in size. By the time my next appointment came up both of the tumors were too big to biopsy in my breast. They would have to take them out to biopsy. My world crumbled for a while, my head got filled with the thoughts of breast cancer, chemo, having to get my breast removed, death... then my doctor explained to me, this tumor is not gonna kill me, but we need to take it out as soon as possible when it’s still probably benign. 

I’ve thought about asking for help over and over. With school, bills, and just getting braces for myself... the costs are too over whelming to be able to do on my own.  

These funds will help me not only to have surgery but with all the expenses that may come after surgery, and for my recovery period. 

Due to the tumors being big and me being small in the breasts, taking the lumps will leave me with nothing. Which hopefully my surgeon will allow me to remove the tumors and put implants in at the same time. But all and all I am only asking for costs of tumor removal and biopsy. Due to reconstruction/implants being for a “cosmetic” purpose, I will pay that on my own. 

If you can’t help financially, you can keep me in your thoughts and prayers. 

& if you have any questions feel free to ask me. Thank you


Annie Wilhelm
Beaumont, TX

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