Breath of life Nicole Tusa Lung Transplant Fund
Doação protegida
This fundraiser is for my Mom Nicole. She is suffering from Respiratory Failure/Pulmonary Fibrosis. A lung disease that has progressed so far that she is no longer able to breath on her own and has been sedated and put on a ECMO life support (heart and lung bypass). She needs a lung transplant. A Hospital in Miami Florida is the only one that has agreed to take her in her current state. She will need around the clock care and my grandmother will need to travel to Miami to be with her the whole time as her primary care giver.
We are setting this fundraiser in place to help supply funds for my mom and grandmas move to Florida and any other medical needs my mother may have so we can hopefully get her this transplant and she can come home.
She has been fighting for so long and so hard to stay with us. We appreciate everyone’s love and support during this time.
Organizador e beneficiário
Zoe Rohli
Metairie, LA
Kathleen Tusa