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In Loving Memory of Brenden Wilson

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On Nov. 10th 2014, my cousin, Brenden Michael Wilson left us all much too soon. He was only 16 years-old and lost his life by the hand of another. He did not deserve to leave this world the way he did. Brenden had his whole life in front of him, and it was so bright! He leaves behind his parents, two sisters and three brothers.

Words cannot begin to describe the heartache his family feels. He was and ALWAYS will be loved so much by many! Brenden's amazing spirit & infectious smile  will greatly be missed. He had such an impact on everyone who crossed his path, whether it was for a short second or a lifetime, his mark has been made.

By donating, the family will be able to properly celebrate the beautiful life of Brenden & cherish the memories that we all hold close to our hearts. No donatation is too small & anything donated will be greatly appreciated. And again, my sincere gratitude on behalf of his entire family.

Thank you again for your support!
-Jason Biller and Traci Collier
(on behalf of the Wilson, Moore, and Biller family)
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Traci N Jason
Fredericksburg, VA

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